Welcome to Saint Christopher Parish
Religious Education Office


The Religious Education Office at St. Christopher facilitates formation classes for youth in grades K – 5 on Sunday mornings at 8:30 and 10:00 am during the academic year.

The Way (6-8)

The middle school program, “The Way,” meets Sundays at 10:00 am or Tuesdays at 3:30pm with different components. For more information, call 440-331-6226 or email  stchrisreo@stchrisparish.com.


Confirmation is offered to registered 8th grade parishioners.  The Confirmation program is completed concurrently with 8th grade PSR or school religion class.


High school students and adults seeking the sacrament of Confirmation should contact Sharon Armstrong at (440) 331-6226 X402 or sarmstrong@stchrisparish.com

The Religious Education Office is open on Sundays during the academic year and Monday – Friday 10 – 5 year round. Call 440-331-6226 or email us at stchrisreo@stchrisparish.com.

Mrs. Sharon Armstrong

Director of Religious Education

Sharon has been a full-time member of the St. Christopher Staff since 2016 and became Director of Religious Education in 2017. She has been involved in many parish ministries over the past twenty-five years, including: teaching PSR and Confirmation, Children’s Liturgy of the Word, RCIC, Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, Vacation Bible School, and Eucharistic Minister. Sharon completed her classes in Theology and Ministry at Notre Dame College and St. Mary’s Seminary to become a Lay Ecclesial Minister in the Diocese of Cleveland in February 2018.

Sharon, along with her husband, Tom, and five children, has been a parishioner at St. Christopher since 1996. When she’s not busy with her duties in the Religious Education Office, she enjoys hiking our beautiful Metroparks and spending time with her family.

She is excited to collaborate with the people of our Parish to educate our youth in the Catholic faith. She is happy to be a part of such a wonderful staff here at St. Chris. The best part of her job is watching the students live out their faith in the generous way they use their time, talent, and kindness to serve others. A quote she found from St. Francis Assisi helps to keep her focus on the task at hand: “Start by doing what is necessary; then do what’s possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible.”

Marilu Norena

Administrative Assistant

Marilu Norena is the new Administrative Assistant of the Religious Education Office. She has been involved in religious education all her life in different capacities, including being a Catechist of the Good Shepherd for several years.

Upon their arrival to Rocky River, Marilu and her family joined St. Christopher Parish. She later joined the PSR team of catechists. She continued to share her love and respect for the Eucharist, teaching second grade and preparing children to receive this Holy Sacrament.

Originally from Mexico City, she moved to the US in 1999 when her back then-new husband Moises decided to pursue a master’s degree at Purdue University. Not realizing that was a one-way ticket, they later moved to Michigan, where they lived for almost 15 years and where their children Ana, Diego, and Mateo grew up. After a five-year stand in Chicago, they moved to Rocky River following Moises’ job. Her family enjoys hiking in the Metro Parks, watching the sunset on Lake Erie, visiting the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, the Art Museum, The Orchestra, and exploring the Cleveland food scene. They are looking forward to becoming more involved with our community.