Overview of the PSR Process
To assist parents with the important responsibility of forming children in the faith, St. Christopher Religious Education Office (REO) facilitates weekly religion classes in grades K through 8th for children who attend public school. Approximately 235 families participate in PSR each Sunday during the academic year (September – May). Parents may enroll children in the 8:30 am session or the 10 o’clock session.
To register for PSR, please submit the registration form found on the “How to Register for PSR” page.
Catechists and High School Student Aides
A team of approx. 40 catechists and substitute catechists engage the students in activities to foster a relationship with God, form community and grow in knowledge of Catholic doctrine.
The PSR program also depends upon the presence of high school student aides. Approximately 15 student aides assist in the classroom and the REO. Grades K through 2nd have one or two student aides who help with projects in the classroom, arrival and dismissal. If you are a high school student who would like to be a classroom or office aide, please contact the Religious Education Office.